Abstracts of authors already registered for the 2024 IJMEP should be submitted to the following e-mail address before May 15th:
Oral communications will have a duration of 10 minutes plus 5 minutes for discussion. Poster communications should have a maximum dimension of 70 cm x 100 cm.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Abstract Guidelines: word document in Arial font, 12 point, page margins 2.5 cm all round, all paragraphs justified straight-edged on both left and right (except Title and Authors in centred paragraph) and including the next information, following this structure:
Title of abstract in bold
Empty line
Authors (lead presenter underlined): Surname, Name (A.B.)1,2, Surname, Name (C.D.)2 & Surname, Name (X.Y.)3
Empty line
Addresses (in separate lines for each author): 1 Institution, country, e-mail address
Empty line
The main text: maximum of 300 words.
Empty line
Key Words: a maximum of six
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Type of communication: Oral or Poster (the organization reserves the right to change the type of communication if necessary, contacting the authors with sufficient advance notice).